Saturday, July 4, 2015

Panay Island Adventure Part 1: AKLAN

What/Where is Panay Island?

According to Wikipedia:
"Panay is an island in the Philippines located in the western part of the Visayas. It is about 100 miles accross. Politically, it is divided into four provinces: Aklan, Antique, Capiz, and Iloilo, all in the Western Visayas Region."

The main reason why my friends and I visited Panay is because our Godson, who lives in Antique, will be celebrating his first birthday! YEY! Happy Birthday Pio! Since, we will be flying from Manila to Antique, I have decided to take the opportunity to have sidetrips! So I booked our flight with Cebu Pacific (via
I booked the flight January 22 and it costs P3,554.84 per person

So since our flight is very early, we went to the airport at 3:00am. we we're expecting a lot of people to be having their flights because it was the LaBoracay. but, we didn't know that it was also the season for Palarong Pambansa, so there are a lot of students! it took us almost two hours to check-in!

anyway, fast forward...


So during our flight, we we're offered by Cebu Pacific with the local arrangement "Airplane-to-hotel" which costed us P450.00 per head which includes: Van ride from airport to Jetty Port (more or less 15mins since we arrived at Caticlan Airport already), Boat Transfer from Jetty Port to Boracay Island (more or less 30 minutes, inclusive of waiting time), and Multicab ride from the Boracay port to our accomodation (time depends on where you stay).

We stayed at Boracay Travelodge in Station two. This hotel is the "cheaper" sister of La Carmela de Boracay and is 1-2 minutes walk to/from the beach and the market. . We had the Semi-deluxe room which costed us P450.00 per person per night (we are four, btw). inclusive of Two buffet breakfast in La Carmela De Boracay. Our room had two queen size beds, an aricon, a cable TV and a Comfort Room. Just right for us since we planned to stay outside for the wholeday.

Our room looked like this :p image courtesy of


Since we woke up early to go to the airport, we decided to have some sleep first before going out in the afternoon. we grabbed a quick munch (Subway Sandwich, hahaha) and had a nap. afterwards, we went out to plan our Boracay stay. we decided to talk to one of the many Kuyas offering different activities. we surveyed and asked different Kuyas and decided to have late lunch while deciding on what activities would we try.

After eating we decided to go to an ATV ride with Trick-art Museum and SkyCycle. We had to pay P800.00 head for the said activities. so we rode a van to the starting point and rode the ATV for about 15 minutes to the viewing deck. Spent some time enjoying the view of the whole island and the cool wind.
Hello Boracay!

After taking a lot of pictures, we drove the ATV back to the Dreamland Amusement park for the Trick Art Museum and SkyCycle.

Trick Art Museum


My Verdict:
ATV: Kinda boring since you cannot go faster than everyone. we drove slowly. Well, safety first! but, ugh. Also, you are not allowed to overtake. oh well.
Trick Art Museum: Silly. Although some are interesting. We had a lot of pictures since effects of the paintings can be seen only through pictures.
SkyCycle: I really thought that the Skycycle is not fastened on the track. I was really scared and tensed! In that short track, I really perspired a LOOOOT! I really thought that would be my last day on Earth! hahahaha.. and since I was alone on the bike, everytime I am on a curve, I felt like the bike will fall on the ground. 

Basically, that's how we spent our first day in Boracay. Dinner afterwards then rest.


After our free breakfast buffet in La Carmela De Boracay (Since we only have two coupons, we paid P260.00 for one of us so that all of us can eat in the buffet) and after meeting our friends, the three of us decided to go Parasailing and Helmet Diving! we contacted the same Kuya (I forgot his name and Contact Number, ooops) to book us for the activities. It costed us P1,500.00 for both activities including of DVD for the Helmet Diving.

We first went to the helmet diving area, wherein we we're instructed on what to do. the hand signals, the way to hold the helmet and how to be comfortable under the water. Since it was all our first time, we are excited though we are also nervous.
The fishes are being fed by the other group so they all swam near them.

Personally, after going/being dragged down the seafloor, I almost freaked out and wanting to go back up since I cannot "pop" my ear. I really tried my best so that after "popping" I will feel more comfortable. Luckily, I was able to do so. anyway, so we fed the fishes and strolled under the sea and had our picture and video taken. Click HERE for the video

After our helmet diving, we rode another boat to go Parasailing! the original plan was, I will be alone while my two friends, Jenny and Gela, will go together at the same time since the wind might not be able to carry our weight. but due to strong winds that time, we were able to go Parasailing all at the same time! yey!


It was very peaceful and windy being held up for 15 minutes we took our time to appreciate the island and the view. Good thing that we we're able to go all at the same time because it might get boring after some time if you will go Parasailing alone. Parasailing Video click THIS.

My Verdict: Fun and Exciting activities to try!


Since, this will be our last day in Boracay, we decided to go for a Swim! hahahaha in our first two days, we were not able to swim due to the activities we did. 

But we also did some activities. we rented a paddleboard for P400.00 from an ate. it was harder to balance than Kayak since we are using a surf board.


Then our friends decided to ride the banana boat which costed us P200.00 per person. Sadly, the motorboat driver is not anymore allowed to purposely let us fall from the banana boat for safety reasons. oh well. Banana Boat video HERE.


Then we had our time swimming until lunch time. just in time to pack our things for check out at 12 noon. After checking out, we strolled along the island to find souvenirs and Pasalubong before having our last lunch in the island before heading to our next destination, ANTIQUE.

My Friends and I, Second time in Boracay

Thanks! God Bless!
-Sir Benz


  1. Boracay is indeed beautiful and there are activities that are fun to do. Going there with relatives and friends adds up to the excitement. I want to try some of those next time. Thanks Sir Benz for this blog. :)

    1. Try the Helmet Diving and Parasailing! its fun and relaxing! :)
