Thursday, June 25, 2015

being a Public High School Math Teacher

Let me tell you how it is to be a Public High School Math Teacher.

Whenever I enter our campus, I always pass by a sign like this:

(Not the actual sign, i forgot to take a picture of it. oops.
image courtesy of

It is a constant reminder for me and my colleagues that we should still, and always, be happy with our chosen profession.

But, of course, problems are definitely inevitable. there will be a lot of times that you may question yourself why are you still choosing to be a teacher. Anyway, let me tell you a little something about being one.

Being a Public Teacher:

I work as a teacher in a public high school somewhere in Batangas. I gave emphasis on the word "Public" because I want to share how it is in a public school. 

(These are the actual pictures of the classroom I am using now. Let me tell you, this is not yet the worst classroom in our school)

Before i was employed in a Public school, i worked for a Private school somewhere in Paranaque for a year, "Luckily", i was able to get an item(Teaching Position) in a public school here in Batangas (Hometown of my father). They say, that when transitioning from private to public, it is very normal for you to be culture-shocked because it is a whole different world than private schools; maybe, it is because of the "atmosphere"

Facilities. No proper ventilation, broken chairs and tables, unfixed classrooms, and insufficient supplies. It's like a DIY Classroom, with your own money to start with. let me repeat, OWN money to start with. Anyway, if not for the kids, and my own comfort, I wouldn't shed some of my budget for the classroom. As a neophyte teacher, I was questioning about the government budget for education, where is really spent? As teachers, we have to make ways to be able to generate funds or supplies to use in our classroom. I think, this the reality of being in a public school.

Students. As a teacher, I really saw the difference between students studying in a private school than the students in the public schools. Maybe because of the family's upbringing. Whenever I have my PTA (Parents-Teacher Assembly), I always emphasize to Parent's that they play a big role that affects the students behavior, In which I hope and pray that they do their part. Most of our students seldom see and bond with their parents because they have to work the whole day in fields or the lake for a living, they usually go home late and either prepare for their dinner or rest because of their whole day work; they sometimes forget to even ask about their child/ren's day. Sadly, children seeks attention from other people and most of them, in a negative way. :(

Education. As teachers, we are usually attend seminars and training for innovations in our teaching methods and strategies. as I have experienced K-12 seminars, I can say that K-12 is really promising. If I were to be High School again, I would really choose to have undergone K-12 curriculum than BEC (Basic Education Curriculum). But the problem is, I feel like we lack supplies demanded by the curriculum. We even have to search and reproduce modules for our students. The curriculum also needs a lot of materials for its activity, and unfortunately, it is not provided by the government for the teachers. Until now, we are very hopeful that soon, full utilization (with complete materials and supplies) of the K-12 basic education curriculum will happen.

Benefits. being in the public school will help you with long term benefits. although from time-to-time we receive bonuses (13th and 14th month pay a.k.a PEI Performance Enhancement Incentive) and allowances (chalk and clothing allowance, etc) that private schools do not offer. but what matters is, the after retirement pension after rendering long service for the government.

Being a High School Teacher:

Let me introduce you to my Advising class,
Balete National High School Grade 8 - Everlasting SY 2015-2016

When I was in private school, I used to teach in elementary though I am a Bachelor in Secondary Education graduate. Kids will always be kids. Although, High School students are more exploratory than those in Elementary. Because, this is the time when kids "establish" their identity. they tend to explore and experiment. High School students demands independence in their decision and may usually forgets the consequences of their actions. And let me tell you, they really do things that would test your patience and temper; but you still need to be their guiding force to understand how life should go for them. For me, It is harder to be a high school teacher because it demands moooooore patience and understanding for the students. 

Being a Math Teacher:

Frustrating. (Ugh, Next topic!)

Being a Teacher:

I swear, this picture is "stolen". Taken by my senior Ma'am Jovy Bathan

Like what I have answered in my interview, I didn't choose teaching, God brought me to teaching. My ultimate dream is to become a certified public accountant, but due to series of events (what?!) I became a teacher. 

Teaching is a job for PASSIONATE people.

It is not enough that you know what to teach, but it is very important that you have the heart for it. OR ELSE! you won't be able to last. SWEAR! you might die young! HAHAHAHAHA

There are a LOOOOOOOT of times that i'm thinking of changing my career but seeing how I would be able to influence young minds and to inspire them to strive more despite of all the difficulties in life makes me realize why God led me to be in the teaching force. Though I am on my third year of teaching, I am still discovering this calling of mine.

Thanks! God Bless!
-Sir Benz


  1. This is a good read. Thanks Sir Benz for sharing your thoughts and your own experiences as a teacher. It gave me an idea on what public teachers are undergoing just to give proper education to their students. I salute all the teachers :) ��

    1. Thanks Charm! that's actually my purpose, i want to inform the world how it is to be in the public school system. and hopefully someday, we can altogether make a change for a better future of our country :) naks! hahaha
