Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Starting a Blog

I'm Bored.

That is why I had an idea of starting this blog.

Actually, I have a lot of things to do, but I am feeling bored.

Being a Teacher and a Student at the same time makes my "work pile" high. it's just that sometime i really have to detach myself from my "work mode" to my "home mode". I feel like it is really hard to focus to do my work tasks at home. I feel like after the whole day teaching and telling the kids to listen makes me just want to rest and relax at home, even though I shouldn't.

Anyway, The question is,
What would this blog be about?

As a Teacher, Student, Son, Friend, and Brother, I felt the need for an OUTLET of my everything. My Frustrations, My Travels, My Foodtrips, My Rants, My Experiences, and everything I feel sharing to the world.

This blog would somewhat be my "Portfolio" of my adventures that I hope would help other people to learn and realize things. I would like to share my learning experiences as I also rely on other blogs if I need help on anything. :)

Or maybe I just need a compilation of my "happenings" so that i can view it anytime I want to and reminisce :p

Anyway, I hope that I can be at help to other people. I hope I can entertain you with this. because again,

I'm Bored.

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